Badass Is the New Skinny

049 | Set Yourself Up for Success

May 25, 2023 Sabrina Black Season 2 Episode 49
Badass Is the New Skinny
049 | Set Yourself Up for Success
Show Notes

In this episode, I talk about seven basic things to master to set yourself up for success when it comes to your health and wellness. 

We spend so much time worrying about all the little tricks and nuances to living a healthy life that sometimes we just overcomplicate it. Here, I'll talk about the most basic things you need, without overcomplicating it.

The first four things are the ones that I highly recommend you prioritize first:

  1. Drink more water.
  2. Sleep.
  3. Move for at least 30 minutes a day.
  4. Eat your damn fruits and veggies.

The next three things are also high in priority, but if you're feeling a little overwhelmed, these can take back-burner priority (for a little while, at least):

  1. Fill your social cup.
  2. Practice self-care to manage your stress.
  3. Get a handle on your vices.

Check out the episode to learn more about these things and why they deserve to be your basic priorities. Next week, I'll share the partner episode that includes my top ten pieces of advice to help you feel like your best and most badass self.

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